Astro Roulette Free Game Demo for Canadian players


Nowadays gambling has the leading position in the entertainment sphere. In order to appeal players to casino places, the owners develop different interesting ways: fascinating interior, amazing food and drinks. And how do online casinos draw attention of their gamblers? Here, people work out and add to their collection new amount of casino games.
Recently Oryx Gaming created unusual and extraordinary but at the same time interesting Astro Roulette online game where the distinguished feature is the absence of numbers. It has got just roulette wheel and signs of zodiac with infinity. Austro Roulette also presents 4 colors that correspond to four elements:
- Red is fire
- Blue – water
- White – air
- Green – earth
Astro Roulette introduces common game rules and bets but with unusual symbols
On the layout of Astro Roulette, the symbols are placed by the system four to three. As American Roulette for real money, the main purpose is to guess the sectors. Players have to show the sector where you make the bets. After placing wagers, the roulette wheel is spinning with the ball inside. So, gamblers will spin reels and making wagers, expecting that lady luck will smile them. But the common numbers are gone away and the new set will be based on horoscope signs. Of course, such online table game will be interested for players that prefer horoscopes and believe in their magic power.
Austro Roulette online free includes wheel that is divided into 13 sectors: 12 astrology signs and infinity one instead of Zero. The common bets of Austro Roulette are:
- For one number – 11:1
- For 2 numbers – 5:1
- For 3 numbers – (winter, spring, summer and autumn) – 3:1
- For 4 numbers – 2:1
- For 4 elements( fire, water, earth and air) – 3:1
- Moon or Sun – 1:1
The bets limits for other types of the bets you have to specify in Astro Roulette rules but for 1 number you are willing to bet from 25 cents to $20. Notice that this kind of table game is like European roulette for real money that has the same number of ways with the house edge just 2, 70%.
When players start to spin the wheel it is still the same as in common online game. But Astro Roulette is enough different in the structure and representation. It feels like you spin something mystical stuff as the wheel looks magical with astrological signs.